The first edition of the magazine Puurzaam. Our assignment was to design a relation magazine for the organic supermarket Aquarishop, with a focus on organic products and a healthy lifestyle.

Aquarishop offers a wide range of organic products. An accessible store full of inspiration and information for those who want it. Product knowledge and service are the central focus. The name itself refers in the first instance to the element water - aqua. But "aquari" also refers to "the age of aquarius".

The main challenge was to sustainably promote the relationship with consumers. Awareness, better and experience are the most important attributes of the magazine. The aim of the magazine is to inspire and motivate consumers towards an organic lifestyle with recipes and stories from the region.

School Project

market & target audience

There are many different types of biological customers, ranging from die-hard proponents to skeptical consumers who sometimes switch. That's why I chose to target the middle-aged audience who enjoy a healthy and organic lifestyle. They often exercise and want a healthy meal with it. Or is it a family that wants a healthy lifestyle. I also want to focus on the existing consumers of Aquarishop.


The message that I want to convey with my design is that the aesthetic magazine cover will attract costumers. They to associate the magazine as an inspiration for their organic lifestyle. When they look at the magazine, they will get motivation to start cooking in a healthy way. My biggest goal is to make the consumer feel an emotion of health and energy trough my design.

Therefore I opt for a minimalism, clear, fresh and modern atmosphere.
I also want to choose a striking accent color that radiates sustainability and organic. Bright colours generally give a clear and fresh look. That's why I want to incorporate bright colours into my design, which will make the magazine radiate more and make it more striking.


Minimalism, clear, fresh and modern. I tried to visualise these attributes as good as possible in my conceptboard. My research has shown that minimalism, vibrant colours and large texts are a trend this year. The bright vibrant colours will reflect in the images, this provides a striking and energetic appearance in combination with a lighter background. The light and calming colours accentuate the green and red hues. The green hues give a healthy and organic appearance. And the red hues will give a nice contrast.

primary colours

These are the 4 primary colours I chose. Black and white are the base for clarity of text and background color. Black and white is a classic and minimalistic combination that I want to use a lot in the magazine. The light colours will work well with the green for the balance in design.

style colours: warm hues

The warm tones will be used to add more contrast and dynamics. I chose vibrant colors that are striking and will attract the viewer. The warm tones will create balance with the cold tones. Warm hues will give an extra "pop of color".

style colours: cold hues

These cold hues will mainly be reflected in the magazine. In pictures the colours will mainly appear in the food. The green color gives it a natural and organic appearance. I chose the light white to beige colours to compliment the warm colours.

sketches & grid
the results